On the Road

Friday, August 1, 2014

Okay, for all my non-Facebook friends and family who didn't see my announcement earlier...we've hit the road! Yup, decided to go on a bit (can you say understatement??) of a road trip.

This isn't just any road trip, though.

No, siree!

We are checking off another special event from Everly's bucket list! We are sweeping her away to the picturesque mountains of North Carolina compliments of my parents.

Annually, our family visits the mountains and this year, as surprising as it is, is no exception. I mean come on, a trip to the neighborhood pool takes us 40 min to prep and pack for alone! Who would think then that crossing three, four if you count leaving Florida, state lines would be doable?

Well, like the statement goes: "Where there's a will, there's a way!"

And WILL we had! And determination. And excitement. And just about anything else we needed to make this happen.

Starting with the fact that this was the first time we needed to take two vehicles for the trip. In one pic I posted, you can see our van and their RAV side by side loaded.

So, here we are in Savannah, our pit stop for the night. I must say that I am pooped! I have had a very hard time turning "off" my brain to sleep or rest the last two nights. I'm overly concerned that I will overlook something that needs to be packed and then Everly will be without. Talk about guilt!! And let's face it, an Ambu mask and 10ml enternal feeding syringes aren't on the shelves at the local Target. Just sayin'. So mama's gotta make sure it's all packed! Hubby's great but he's been very busy with work and the boys are going off their pack lists I gave TO them. Haha!

Sweet Pea is likewise out for the count! She didn't have a restful sleep in the van as kept being disturbed and never hit a deep sleep. She wasn't overly crabby just really letting us know that she wanted some quiet. A bag opening, a chuckle, stopping for gas. You name it and it jarred her.

Shortly after arriving at our hotel for night, she had her feed (side note: I dislike strongly that term "feed" referring to my daughter's meals but that is how they are named in the GI world.) and conked out! That was about 6:30 and she's still out now about 9:30. She's out for the night! We are all right behind her! Traveling is tiring!

So...in my estimation, packing and preparing for this "road trip" is equivalent to the packing and preparing for a month long backpacking trek across Europe. In the winter.

But you know what?

Every single wrinkle from worry, every lost minute of sleep, every careful precaution is worth this trip to the mountains as a complete family of seven.

Stay tuned...lots of updates this week!!

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